Hope with God... with Andrew and Wendy Palau
8 days ago


We don’t have to understand Him completely. We can simply seek Him.

Do you feel the need to understand everything?

Do questions about God nag at you?

I would like to suggest that if we knew everything and understood everything about God, He wouldn’t be God. He would be a fantasy created in our own imaginations.

The very nature and existence of God is beyond understanding.

1 Corinthians tells us that Now we see as a poor reflection in a mirror, but one day we’ll see God face to face. Now we know in part, but one day we’ll know fully.

We could never fully know or understand Him. So what should we do?

We can put our faith and trust in Him. And we can love Him. We don’t have to understand Him completely. We can simply seek Him. Will you today?

Always remember there is hope with God.


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